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The OSCA School Counselor Programming Grants provide $500 grants (maximum award amount) to active, professional members who desire to implement counseling projects that support student success. Proposals that articulate goals through data, plan a mindful intervention to address a specific concern and have a clear method of measuring the impact upon students will be considered for funding. 

The grant application will close on April 30 of each year.

To apply for an OSCA Grant, please complete an online application and upload the required documents.

Any questions regarding the grant program can be directed to the Professional Recognition Chair at

Grant Application

Please note the following exclusions to the grant program:

  • Proposals including, but not limited to requests such as child care services, food, transportation, consumable office supplies or personal technology will not be considered. OSCA is looking to fund sustainable counseling programs with the ASCA Model in mind.
  • One must be an active, professional member of OSCA employed as a practicing school counselor in an Ohio school.
  • Student members who are interning are not eligible to apply for a grant. 
  • The school counselor awarded the grant must remain employed at the awarded school during the grant award year. Should the school counselor obtain employment elsewhere, the grant will be discontinued.
  • Grant funds will paid directly to the district treasurer. Any unspent grant funds are to be returned to OSCA upon the end of the fiscal year. / (614) 401-4642 / PO Box 537, Archbold, OH 43502

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